In the meantime I can suggest a few great sites that I have really been enjoying lately for you to check out!
This website is great! It is an online radio network hosted by Patrick Timpone. He covers many health topics and all of them are free to listen to and download. In fact there are approximately 600 podcasts to listen to with more being added daily. He also brings on current health experts with up to date information. Thank you Patrick!
Another superb website! Updated daily with REAL health information and no fluff. Mike Adams, also known as The Health Ranger, is known for exposing health fraud and bogusness of the mainstream media. There is a lot of misinformation out there and it is good to have a website like this one to weed through it and get to the bottom of it. Thanks Mike!
This is a video blog that is updated 5 days a week by Kevin and Ann Marie Gianni. Kevin has a way of really making the topic of health seem simple and fun! He has well over 400 shows on his site now with a wealth of information to obtain from it. He covers subjects like fitness, health, and food preparation. Thanks Guys
Enjoy these websites, and use them to motivate you to take your health to new levels this year! I promise that as soon as I get my new camera I will be updating more often!